Financial literacy is a lifelong journey.
Some people are lucky enough to grow up with parents or teachers who can help understand concepts like saving and investing from a young age.
Personal finance is personal. Before you can even begin to set a budget and work toward your goals, you need to establish what those goals are. They need to matter to you.
Buying a home, for example, is a very common financial goal both because of its practicality. But if you’d rather spend a lot of time traveling or living in different places, being a homeowner might not be your dream.
Don’t feel pressured to work toward a certain milestone that doesn’t align with what you want out of life.
Be intentional with your money
Most everyone has to figure out how to live on a certain amount of money. Even if you have a lot to work with, it’s very easy to go broke, or wind up in the red, if you’re not keeping track.
Impulsive buys are designed to be tempting.
Take your time when shopping to consider if what you’re tapping your card for is truly how you want to spend your money.
Understanding wants versus needs means being able to identify the things you have to spend your money on, like housing, food and bills, versus the things you want to spend your money on, like trips or concerts.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you ….Writing down everything you spend money on in a month is a good place to start to identify where your cash is going. From there you can see exactly how much you actually have left over after your needs are met.
Then you can decide what to do with the rest, or look for areas where you can pull back on spending to meet a certain goal.
Talk to everyone about money. The more you talk, the more comfortable you get
In the past, it was often frowned upon to talk about money.
But that attitude has allowed financial problems like wage inequality and lack of knowledge to persist.
The more comfortable you are talking about money in no-stakes situations, the easier it will be for you to bring it up when it matters, like when you’re negotiating a salary or putting an offer on a home.
Learn how to negotiate
The sooner you master the art of negotiating, the better off you’ll be.
Do you want to add a word or two?
When it comes to both money coming in, like your salary, and money going out, like your rent, you could be putting yourself in a better position simply by asking for a better deal.
It can be intimidating to negotiate, but you won’t know what you’re capable of getting unless you ask.
Similarly, when you go to rent an apartment, you can always haveutilities included in your rent. Most of the time, the worst that can happen is you’re told “no.”
Advocate for yourself, and if you don’t understand something, ask
You’ll get better with money the sooner you get comfortable asking questions about it.
If your paycheck seems lower than you thought it would be, it might be wise to consult. Maybe your bank or your doctor charged you a fee you don’t understand — call and ask what’s going on.
You can’t improve your current situation if you don’t understand why you’re in it in the first place.
Your Comments …..
Learn from your mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes. It’s all part of the learning process, so long as you actually learn from them.
Ask yourself why the error happened and if it was possible you could have prevented it. Then take that knowledge with you into the future so you don’t make the same mistake twice.
Surround yourself with people who support your money goals
If you’re trying to save up for a spring break trip but your friends want you to go out to dinner and drinks every weekend and go shopping for new clothes every month, it may get difficult to stick to your goals.
You don’t have to all be in the same financial situation, but friends who pressure you to spend money you don’t have or want to spend can end up costing you big time.
On the flip side, if you have people in your life who will encourage you to stick with your goals and hold you accountable, it can feel a lot easier to succeed.
Find free or low-cost hobbies and activities you enjoy
Especially while you’re learning how to manage your money and beginning to build wealth, it’s a good idea to find free or low-cost activities that you like, such as spending time outdoors in nature.
That way, you can have fun, and still hang out with likeminded people, when money is tight, or you’re just trying to save for the future.
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