People are trying too hard to fit in and then they are really sacrificing the real emotions they are feeling, or the thoughts they are thinking. They are trying too hard to fit in and be liked rather than say what’s really on their mind. They are trading their authenticity for the approval of others.

In reality, I don’t agree or maybe think something else entirely. Have you ever had one of those conversations where the other person is just rambling on and on and you couldn’t care less so you space out only to space back in at exactly the moment where they’ve asked you a question or are waiting for your response?

Yes. That’s me. My brain goes a mile a minute and half the time I can space out and be thinking 6 other things, so I lose attention quickly if the conversation gets sidetracked… But, instead of saying, sorry I missed that, I totally spaced, most of the time we make up an answer and say what we think they want to hear.

I admit that I am not paying attention because what they were talking about got a little boring. Ugh. Social faux pas irritate me. I fall into their trap all too often as I can be weird and awkward and if I am in a crowd of people I don’t know well, I tend to get shy.

I know that I shouldn’t, but once I get enough of my thoughts online, I figure what the hell, might as well start saying things as I think them.

So, what exactly is authenticity?

How do you know if you are truly being authentic?

Or just looking for approval and trying to fit in?

Well, I figure I can at least share my thoughts:

Speak how you feel

This one can be a little hard especially if what you want to say is going to offend someone. But, seriously, if you’re that friend that always speaks their mind and is honest, that can be a good thing.

You may find friends coming to you for advice because they know you’ll tell them the truth.

Don’t ever lie to an introvert. You can’t. It’s impossible. They’re extremely observant. They notice everything. Seriously, everything. Change in tone, body language, your eyes, your energy, and your whole vibe. They’ll catch you. Trust me on that.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you ….Why do we worry about the opinion of other people, or what will be the perception of other people about me?

We live in preconceived ideas that the other people will think about me, this will isolate your creativity and self-esteem and will definitely low your self-confidence.

Everyone wants to be appreciated but this doesn’t mean to trade your authority for an approval from others and instead should continue to perform with your abilities to the climax and ultimate success.

Feeling appreciated is a healthy thing but seeking approval for everything is not a healthy activity and it can lead to your loss by losing the golden opportunities.

We in our society are nurtured in a way that without the approval of people, we undermine our capabilities and don’t perform to the expected results, however, this state of mind, in reality, is totally wrong.

Do you want to add a word or two?….

If you are a people pleaser, you have trouble when saying no to others and when you do something that other people do not approve and you feel guilty about it then you are addicted to seeking approval from others.

Being addicted to seeking approval he risk of being passionate about others’ approval is that you simply find yourself living your life for people.

You won’t be happy to pursue your own goals and dreams, and if you are doing, you’re feeling guilty about it.

However you should live the life you would like, and you don’t would like anyone to approve of it.

One should have clarity of mind and should have a strong belief in self.

Your Comments……

Self-assured personalities never trade their authenticity for approval they have firm believe in themselves.

We gain a way of self-efficacy once we see ourselves mastering talents and achieving goals ,this can be the boldness that, if we tend to learn and work flat out in a very specific space, we’ll succeed.

 It’s this sort of confidence that leads folks to simply accept tough challenges, and continue the face of setbacks.

You may like to discuss the brainwave with a person for discussion purposes not for decision and approval because everyone has a different mindset and perception of things you can’t make anybody to think like you.

An idea is as good as people working on should always have trust in his own abilities and try to accomplish all the tasks with a dedication to acquire the excellence.

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