Plan “B” here is used as an ordinal value; it’s effectively the same as “plan #2”. We say “plan B” for the same reason we say “plan 2”, and we don’t say “B plan” for the same reasons we don’t say “2 plan”.

Just in case the thought got into your head, the “B” doesn’t stand for “backup”, it’s simply the 2nd letter of the alphabet. The original, primary plan would be “Plan A”.

There is a big difference between making goals and making the plans that help you achieve those goals.

Goals represent the things you desire to accomplish and feel are worth doing. They are the things that, even if you fail at them, are the right thing to do.

Having a “Plan B” for a goal is clear a sign that you believe your goal is infeasible or not worth doing. Perhaps your goal is too ambiguous, too ambitious, or otherwise inappropriate.

Whatever the case, it is not something you can believe in and commit to fully. If that’s true, then why should you bother trying to do it?

The existence of a “Plan B” goal means that your “Plan A” goal isn’t the right one to begin with. Scrap it, and start over.

Now when it comes to making plans to achieve your goals, you will definitely need to think about and have a “Plan B.”


It’s simple. You will not have control of everything that can affect your plan. Whether due to your poor planning or an act of God that has nothing to do with you, failures happen

A wise person will understand this and make plans as appropriate. They will consult others for their wisdom and expertise. They know this will help to ensure the best chance of achieving their goals in the long run.

Failing to understand how to make good goals and plans will kill your career ambitions. And I’m concerned that many of the people I run into online lack these foundational skills.

In the interview room, these are the people who can only think of one way of solving a problem.

They don’t consider alternative approaches that can lead to more optimal results. They do not handle ambiguity well and even simple changes in requirements set them on edge.

These are the people who don’t understand how to make a “Plan B” when things get rough.

And even if you are good making plans, you might not be good at making goals.

You haven’t thought about how working for a startup might be a better goal for the moment, given your experience.

Whether you struggle with making goals or making good plans, you can get better at it. Look around for people that you know that do this well and ask them how they reach their goals.

Whatever you do, don’t approach this in the blind. Having a dream alone will not cut it. And as the old adage goes: “failing to plan is planning to fail.”

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you ….Preparing for the worst or having a plan B, or little safety isn’t pessimism, it’s practical, it’s being in the flow of the universe and realizing its power; you aren’t resisting the power of the universe but flowing along it.

Don’t realize that you would certainly reach your plan B, but strengthen yourself by realizing that you won’t fall on the ground on your face and you can freely dedicate yourself to a certain goal without worrying much about the results.

Talking about Plan B, it must not be superior and energy consuming than your plan A .

 It must be a coping mechanism, most energy, time and resources must be reserved for Plan A.

 It’s like having a cushion to minimize damage during a fall, it’s like a having a new start point if you reach nowhere through your deeds, at that confusing distressing time, you would know a safe place to reach, in that dark phase, you won’t be blinded.

If you are marrying your lover against family or society, you must realize that marriage is not a 100% commitment for life.

There can be an instance beyond the honeymoon phase when initial attraction shall fade off, and things don’t work out, what if I don’t have a career?

Where would I go?

It’s important for me to be independent, well settled, and more sure about this person before I take such action, also, I must first try to wholeheartedly convince my family, bear their anger, convince them and spend years if possible, and then take such action if necessary.

Do you want to add a word or two?…

In life we always have a Plan A. We dream, we imagine, we do everything within our reach to make Plan A work.

We know things do not always go according to plan….

And when they don’t we are left feeling disappointed that things didn’t go the way we anticipated.

This is why you should always have a plan B that doesn’t suck ~ A plan you could even be a little excited about.

Your Comments……

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Sometimes you really really want Plan A to work out. But I still make your self come up with a Plan B because one of the worst feelings in the world is wanting something so bad, not having it work out, and then on top of that NOT having a backup plan in place.

Don’t leave yourself in that position ~ always come up with a Plan B you’re at least a tiny bit excited about.

People who didn’t really care much about goal achievement to begin with were putting in less effort and were more likely to make a backup plan.

Fascinating, right?

And probably disheartening to some! Now the question becomes, what do you do with this information?

How can this article help you make better decisions, and at the same time still let you plan wisely when pursuing goals that you can’t be certain you’ll achieve?

It’s important to know that these results do not apply to all goals—they only apply to goals whose success is highly dependent on effort.

Since we find that the negative effect of making a backup plan is reduced motivation and effort towards a goal, making a backup plan would not harm success on goals where success is not contingent on effort e.g., winning the lottery.

 So feel free to make a backup plan without hesitation for how you’ll support yourself.

Plan well, my friends.

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