Well, money is the most important commodity to sustain your livelihood. It’s a fact everyone wants to marry a successful and rich person. Here since it’s been asking “why do pretty girls want to marry rich guy “my” answer is related to girls point of views.

Do correct me if I’m wrong.

See girls want to marry a decent guy who love them and earn enough to fulfill the requirements of the family, now the term “requirements” play a crucial role deciding to marry someone.

For a guy, their search goes around, finding someone pretty and understanding who is good to make a family and taking care of his children. It’s a general approach, I’m not against any working or independent woman.

For girls ,if you marry a rich person ,half of struggles of your daily life almost ended .You don’t need to shackle up inside the bus ,or you don’t need to take an auto ( you own a car) ,you don’t need to go to market to bargain ( you have a helper) and there are lots of issues you don’t need to face .

Nobody force you to get a job, it’s your own choice if you want to work you could or your husband is sufficient taking care of you.

Rich guys, their requirements are simple, since they are rich they don’t need to compromise .they want a pretty, educated, decent bride. Most of the cases since they don’t need a working wife, so their preferences lie around facial beauty .They are rich and having a working wife is just an edge.

So not only pretty girls, every girls want to marry a rich guy, but they add qualities like compatibility, understanding, loyalty etc. .

They want a rich partner to secure the future, in terms of securing future, since after marriage they have to live with the guy .A perfectly settled, decent and rich guy always a best packable option to choose.

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Thank you …Why do most girls prefer to marry rich guys?

Become an owner of a diamond ring.

Study hard in high school.

Get good grades.

Get into a good graduate school.

Get a good job.

 Work hard for 3-4 months.

Considering you got a decent job and a fat pay cheque, you are ready to buy a diamond ring for yourself now.


Marry a rich guy.

The choice my dear friend is pretty obvious.

Financial stability is more important than anything for a girl. Every girl wants to see their husband as stable. It’ll be better for your parents too.

If you have money then girl will realize that they’ll be safe with you.

For any medical or emergency issues money is needed, sometimes it can be a very big amount.

The girl will realize that you can fulfill her desires through money.

The money is essential for betterment of your children in future in case of studies and every well-beings.

If you don’t have any money then you have to borrow money from someone. That is a prestige issue for both the boy and the girl.

If you have money then people will respect you in this 21st century specially.

You have money, your kids & wife will demand something. You’ll give them their desired thing. The smile you’ll see on their face is priceless. You can go to their desired places.

If you don’t have money, then no one will care for you. No one will come to your house. No one will help you. That’s the most pathetic thing for a girl.

Do you want to add a word or two?….

Always remember, a girl doesn’t like the dependent poor son of a rich father. They want a boy who is rich in money, heart, prestige, passion, and kindness and fully independent.

Why do women like rich men?

Let’s play a game.

You are a woman. You know that it is likely you’ll want to have children and that, because men find this act perplexing, you probably will have your career path limited.

So you’re thinking that you’d like to have a child and be able to eat a few meals a day, pay for a good education for the child and healthcare for you and the child.

And, because you are a woman, your society probably insists that you having this child is the MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU WILL EVER DO, and so you must marry.


It is critical.

 From the time you are a very small child, your parents and relatives will make it perfectly clear that you marrying and having babies is the sum and total of your existence on the planet. Nobel Prizes are worth nothing if you are not married with babies.

Your comments ….

And then, after 2 decades of this constant reminder that your entire worth is to be a brood mare, you have to pick a guy to have babies with. Does it make any sense to choose some poor slob, who will blame you for his failure, because it can’t possibly be him, or some rich guy?

Neither of them will give a shit about you as a person, your total value to them is to raise their babies. You might as well pick the rich guy. At least you’ll live well, not in a hovel or anything.

In a world that does not value women for themselves, women are being bartered to the richest possible husbands so their families can live better lives.

Want a nice wife? Learn to value women for their own existence.

Girls aren’t attracted to the richest guy. They are attracted to the most confident guy. (I have to mention this… When I say “girls”, I mean most of them.)

And guess what… The rich guys are the most confident because they think they are the best (maybe/really?). And others think their wealth as their asset.

Very few of the young women who marry considerably older, rich men are bonafide gold-diggers. The term implies that a woman does not actually find the man attractive but is willing to ignore that fact in order to enjoy an opulent lifestyle.

The reality, however, is that wealth makes a man sexually appealing to a woman.

This is difficult for men to grasp because money does not make a woman sexier.

While the occasional young man may marry a moribund billionaire heiress, feign sexual interest in her for a few years while awaiting her demise and the prize that follows and in the meantime diligently suppress the nausea arising from the sight of saggy prune mammaries, women in the same situation do not actually make a corresponding sacrifice because they really do find the man sexually attractive.

Wealth, in this sense, has the same function on a man’s looks as makeup has to that of the woman.

Evolutionary biology easily explains this: Men who were turned on by fertile women were selected for because men who preferred primarily barren ones did not reproduce and, likewise, women who were turned on by men of excess resources enjoyed momentous reproductive advantages.

 It follows, then, that women are genetically predisposed to find wealthy men, even old and unfit ones, arousing.

Throughout human history, with a few notable exceptions such as during periods of communist rule (and to some degree even then), affluence has been one of the surest ways to ensure the survival of the offspring, as well as the promote a great volume of that offspring.

Mating with rich men gave women an evolutionary leg up, which is why they prefer it to this day, because the wealthier the man, the more children he could father and the more secure and well-fed those children would be.

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