When two people get married they become us rather than me or I.

But without love, you cannot build a strong partnership.

 Love is the key ingredient in making a marriage successful.

Their interests are no longer separate but combined. They help each other achieve their goals and dreams in life because they know that what benefits their partner benefits them as well.

This is what I believe: The first element of a happy and successful marriage is purpose.

The two most important questions you will ever ask yourself are.

Does your life have a purpose?

Is your marriage just existing or is it also advancing a great purpose?

When a couple loses their sense of purpose they drift apart, become dissatisfied with each other, and often times seek other relationships hoping to feel the sense of closeness and connection that comes with having a shared vision.

If you are single and looking for someone to marry, make sure that person shares your purpose in life. I have known many couples who married for love but didn’t share any goals or vision for the future, only to be left feeling lonely and unfulfilled because they weren’t moving toward anything together.

Most long-term marriages are built on similar values, beliefs and purposes in life. For example, if you both want to raise great kids who will one day make a positive impact on the world, then that is something worth fighting for together.

 If one person wants to raise kids who will one day make an impact on the world while the other person wants to raise kids who will simply be happy, then there is bound to be conflict down the road.

It’s not just the little things like bringing home flowers or taking out the trash, it’s much more.

In other words, if you want to be able to listen to others and hear what they are saying, you need to be generous.

You have to give them the right to make mistakes, the right to be wrong, the right to say “no” without feeling guilty. And you have to give them time.

Being generous with time is very important. If you are in a rush all the time, you will not have enough time to listen. You need time for people and their problems. You can’t just say, “I don’t have time.” If you really love someone, you find the time!

Generosity is the first thing because if you don’t have that, you won’t have an authentic or humble relationship.

You might think that the most important thing in a relationship is communication. It’s not. The most important thing is generosity.

 If you assume the other person is doing their best, you will be generous in your opinions of them; and if you don’t feel the need to be constantly on your guard, you will be open and authentic yourself.

If you are generous with your partner, they are more likely to be authentic with you; and then, with luck, whatever flaws they have will seem less significant than their virtues.

 This may require some suspension of disbelief at times, but so does reading a novel you enjoy: nobody likes every single one of the characters in War and Peace.

So long as there are enough good things about someone to outweigh the things that annoy us (and usually there are), we should give them our loyalty–not grudgingly or hesitantly, but generously.

One of the most fundamental aspects of a happy marriage is trust. If you can’t trust your partner, then there is no foundation for a lasting relationship. A good way to build trust is by telling the truth and keeping promises.

If you want to keep your spouse from cheating, you need to provide them with the tools they need to make them feel loved and appreciated. It’s important not to take advantage of their love for you. If you are not faithful in your relationship, how can you expect them to be?

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you ….Trust is important in a relationship because it builds a bond between two people who love each other enough to commit to each other.

If there is no trust in the relationship, then one partner will feel like they are being taken advantage of or that they are not getting what they deserve out of the relationship.

When there is no trust, it creates tension and conflict in the relationship which can lead to divorce or even murder.

The key to building trust in a relationship is honesty and communication. This means that when something happens that makes one partner uncomfortable, it should be discussed openly between both partners so that both parties know what occurred and how to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Trust also comes from being able to rely on your partner to stick to their word. If you say that you are going to do something, then do it.

If you say that you will be somewhere at a certain time, then be there. If you have done something and have not received any bad feedback about it, then it is safe to assume that no trust has been lost in your relationship.

Do you want to add a word or two?

This is a very important aspect of a happy marriage because without it or with little communication, your marriage will be in jeopardy. Communication can make or break a marriage.

Marriage is not just about love and intimacy but also about having someone you can talk to and have a healthy dialogue with. When you are married, there will come times when you will have to face problems or challenges and without proper communication, those situations can become worse than they really are.

In addition to making the relationship stronger, communication also gives partners the chance to know more about each other and develop their understanding of each other. Without this important element in a relationship, people might end up drifting apart from each other.

Your comments….

While it is important for couples to spend quality time together like going for trips or watching movies together, it is more important for them to spend some time talking about how their day went and things like that as these small talks can help them grow closer and make their union more rock solid.

When you are communicating with your partner, you are basically opening up yourself and giving him or her an opportunity to know more about you.

This can be very liberating for some people as they don’t have to keep secrets or hide things from their partners any longer. If they know they can trust their partner, they will feel at ease being honest and not having to pretend all the time.

The fifth element, and the one that comes first in every great marriage, is love. I have been asked many times in recent years what it is that makes a marriage work.

There are different kinds of love. In the beginning of your marriage, you may have been attracted to each other because of an immediate physical attraction or passion for each other.

 Later on, you realize that this type of love is not enough to sustain a long-term relationship.

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