Give your friend a hug when you see them. …

Smile at someone, anyone. …

Call someone you love. …

Make a new friend. …

Have a weekly get together with friends. …

Compliment a stranger and/or a friend every day.

Hard work not only pays you but it also builds your character.

Your hard work contributes to success and also increase your happiness. If you get a reward without much hard work and efforts then this reward will for sure not improve you personally.

There is no substitute for hard work. Getting something with hard work and efforts makes your soul happy, make you happy about your potential and make you believe that with hard work anything is possible.

People feel great when they realize that success which they have is earned by them. This realization enables them to have control over their lives.

Hard work is paid back with interest.

Hard work is not only good for your pocket or wallet but it’s also good for your soul because our soul feels peaceful and satisfied only when we earn something by our own. We able to sleep peacefully at night because we people know that the success which we have right now is because of our own hard work and efforts.

And this feeling makes us confident, happy and gives us the purpose of our lives. A person can achieve anything in life if a person is willing to do hard work and smart work towards their purpose.

Why There Is No Substitute For Hard Work?

Getting something without hard work will help you temporarily, for example, getting good marks or grades in your exams by cheating will not help you for long, because this thing will be temporary and reality needs hard work and efforts.

 Putting efforts hard work makes you confident about your potential and this confidence will develop winning quality and attitude in you. With hard work, you will not only become curious but creative too.

By putting efforts you not only improve your physical strength but mental strength too. There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work not only pays you but it improves your life at every level.

Many people think that doing hard work is a kind of punishment but unfortunately, this is the wrong believe because hard work is a gift and person who knows the importance of hard work they know the reward of hard work as well.

Hard work builds character, people trust those who are always ready to work hard in their lives.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you …Do anything to get A “Yes”

One out of 100 will say “yes”. You get the occasional loss leader, but ULTIMATELY THE BIG FISH GETS REELED IN.

Poor Judgement of People

The mediocre entrepreneur is at higher risk of bringing the wrong people into their circle. SPEND A LOT MORE TIME getting to know the people who you want to bring closer.

 Hard work gives satisfaction, happiness and peace. When talent fails to work, hard work for sure works. Hence don’t expect anything without hard work because expecting things without hard work is like dreaming without plans and implementation.

 Hence always believe your potential and work hard toward your purpose.

Hard work teaches you several lessons:

By doing hard work you not only build courage but you also put your fear aside, hard work helps you to move out of your comfort zone and take you to the world of possibilities.

Hard work makes people trust you, hard work gives honor and also helps you to keep your words and promises.

Do you want to add a word or two?….

What’s more valuable than being able to look into the mirror each day and be proud of who you see?

It’s your life to live. Own it! You have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.

The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author.

All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Are you surprised when folks have good manners?

Your comments?….

While common courtesy was expected years ago, courteous behavior is scarce today. In fact, some say that decency and grace are more the exception than the rule.

What does it take to pick up after yourself, be respectful of others, or display proper cell phone etiquette?

What does it take to show up on time, wait your turn, or respond to emails in a timely fashion?

What does it take to say please and thank you, give someone else a turn, or chew with your mouth closed? (Yes, please.)

You shouldn’t be surprised when someone’s polite.

Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society.

People are cursing more and handshaking less, quitting on shorter notice, and waiting longer to answer emails and texts.

Some people say this phenomenon is due to the pandemic — people were isolated from others and that caused some folks to forget how to behave. Others say it’s caused by the decline in face-to-face-communication since the advent of texting, email, and social media.

Some people say things via social media that they’d never say in person.

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