People with whom you spend time influence you

People with whom you spend a lot of time, those you often meet, but also passers-by influence you and your life. Negative people can be poison. Positive people can be helpful and motivating.

The more time we spend with one person, the more we are influenced by him or her. This group of people includes family members, relatives, friends, and work colleagues. We are influenced not only by the radiation of them but by the conversation with them.

If I’m negatively influenced by friends or family members, I’ll stay away and avoid them. I do not want the radiation of feelings like envy, jealousy or other negative emotions near me.

How much you are in control of your thinking affects you and your llfe

How much you are in control of your thinking can change your well-being that affects you and your life.

If you are in control of your thinking, you will be able to focus on your goals and therefore achieve them. You will also be able to improve your well-being which is of importance to create a better life.

If you are in control of your thinking, you can eliminate a large part of the influence from the outside.

The topic of what influences you and your life is by far not exhausted. The points I mentioned in this article are meant to show you what you can do to minimize outside influence and take control of your life as much as possible.

There are influences on us that we do not know anything about. We can maybe feel it. Maybe meditation can help a bit. But I am not certain.

Even people passing you by can influence your well-being.

If you are sitting in a café or restaurant and wondering why you suddenly feel uncomfortable or tense, the reason may be that someone at the next table is in a bad mood and exudes that awkward mental state.

It can also be the other way around that you feel better, because the people at a neighboring table are enjoying themselves and their exhilaration radiates toward you. When some people have a good time in a bar, the mood is generally good.

We are influenced by the education

The school system prepares us humans to listen to and be subject to the media. Stay well behaved, learn a profession that is needed, and work diligently for so much money to pay the necessary bills and survive reasonably well.

The amount of your monthly income affects you and your life. What is your monthly income going for?

How much money is available to you after paying the necessary expenses?

Your education and your teachers have influenced you

Which schools did you visit?

What did you learn?

In what ways did they influence your life?

Were you sponsored by one or more teachers?

Did you start an apprenticeship or did you attend university?

 What profession did you learn?

Which study did you choose?

You and your life have been influenced by school, apprenticeship, and university study, teachers and colleagues.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.

Thank you … There are people who have completed an apprenticeship, became entrepreneurs, and are very successful, while others who have also learned a handicraft, remained in the same company as employees.

There are people who have finished their studies and are unemployed for years while colleagues are very successful.

What has made each person be successful or not?

The influence of a parent, a teacher, they themselves?

We spend quite a bit on energy every month, which could be free and we would only have to pay a connection fee. Most people today still drive a gasoline-powered car as they did over a hundred years ago. The oil industry is trying to keep it that way for as long as possible.

We are influenced by the pharmaceutical industry

When we get sick, we are usually prescribed one to several medications that we need to take in the long term. The pharmaceutical industry has not in mind that you get well. They make drugs that only temporarily minimize the symptoms of a disease.

I think there are diseases that can only be managed with the help of a doctor. Above all, surgeons are important. Think of accidents and injuries that require immediate surgery. And if you get a bad virus and get seriously ill, you need the help of a doctor. But I still come back to the self-healing powers.

How often and how well are we told by the media that we can heal ourselves?

Do you want to add a word or two…

We are influenced by religions

The extent to which people are influenced and manipulated by religions is obvious only to those who do not belong to a religious community.

The influence is passed on from one generation to the next. Due to the regularity of the influence, be it weekly or daily, it goes deep into the subconscious. These people cannot think otherwise than they are repeatedly told.

Anyone who belongs to a religious community is convinced that his religion is the best and the only right one. They can hardly understand that there are people who believe in God as a higher power but do not want to belong to a religious community.

Your Comments……

Your parents have influenced you since birth

You and how your life has gone so far has been influenced by your parents and maybe your grandparents.

How parents behave, how they behave towards their children, what they tell them several times, what they talk about with them, the day and week schedule, the leisure activities, what parents give their children to eat and much more, affects the whole life of a person.

The profession of parents also influences a person.

Think about how you grew up, what your parents said to you repeatedly, and what you can remember from your childhood.

Compare your childhood with that of friends and acquaintances and how these people’s lives have developed in comparison to yours.

The new technologies are influencing you

The new technologies affect the lives of people worldwide.

 People spend a lot of time on the internet. Important messages are spread quickly.

Alternative media had previously little opportunity to inform and educate.

The internet is immensely helpful.

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