Nobody prepared you for it, so you try to find ways to get back the lost love.
It ends up hurting you even more. You may even find that the person you love has moved on and is spending time with another person, which can be devastating.
You may also try to fill this gap by engaging in relationships that really have no meaning behind them.
However, doing this can make you feel worse in the long run because you won’t find the true sense of love that you once had.
It makes you lose control over your emotions.
You know you are really hurting when you start to initiate inappropriate calls, send unwanted messages, drink too much, make dramatic scenes, etc. Connected to being desperate, you feel the need to do whatever it takes just to get her back.
A loss of love can be a great source of unhappiness. And particular parts of your brain respond to emotional pain by making you feel physical pain.
Heartbreak can be experienced in a wide range of forms, including chest pain, stomach aches, loss of appetite, inability to sleep, and frequent crying.
Loss of love can not only bring emotional pain but also physical pain.
With all of this pain and sorrow, what can you do to bounce back?
How can you be resilient during this time of change?
Let’s look at some steps you can take to move on from the relationship.
It will be harder for you to move on if you don’t let your emotions out. It is important to recognize your feelings and work through them, so they don’t become bottled up inside and multiply.
Allow yourself to explore and feel the loss of what could have been.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you .. Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings.
You need to understand yourself better, and the best way to do this is to acknowledge your emotions. Acknowledge them by associating them with a feeling, and then try to understand it. Your thoughts and feelings are a part of you, and they are there for a reason.
Acknowledging your feelings is more than just thinking “This is how I feel right now.”
It’s about allowing yourself to experience and feel the emotion and then considering what course of action you will take to help dissipate that pain.
When you acknowledge your feelings in this way, it will help both your mind and body to relax. It will help a lot if you write down your thoughts in a journal so you can acquire a better perspective about what happened.
After the breakup or the loss of a loved one, you will feel powerless-but that’s okay. You have to accept that things happened, and you can’t do anything anymore to change them. All you can do now is figure out how to be happy again.
The more you fight the fact that the relationship is over, the worse you will feel. If you continue to resist the breakup, you will not be able to heal or move on. However, if you can learn to accept the breakup with grace, you will begin to heal and gain emotional strength, which will eventually lead to happiness.
Learn to accept the breakup with grace and it will lead you to happiness.
If you can accept your circumstances, you will feel empowered to create the life that you want. You need to uncover the beliefs, thoughts, and activities that will help you accept this difficult situation.
Ask yourself, “Am I ready to move on?”
Do you want to add a word or two?
Unless and until you’ve finally decided that you want to let go and move on, you wouldn’t be able to do so.
Once you’re ready, set aside time every day for self-care. Do something you enjoy, like going for a run, doing some gardening, or meditating. This will help you engage in self-care that will be conducive to your healing.
Then, surround yourself with people who are supportive of your healing and who make you feel good about your future.
Make sure to listen to your intuition and your body and do the things that feel right to you.
Make the conscious effort to move on with your life during this time as well.
Your Comments..
This person was important to you, but the past is past.
Just because it ended doesn’t mean that it was never real. You can love somebody for a long while, and that love may come to an end, but that is still real and genuine love. You won’t be able to complete the rest of the steps if you don’t get through this one.
Your past isn’t meant to be forgotten. In a lot of ways, your past is actually meant to be celebrated. You can look back at what you have learned, how you have grown, how other people have shaped you, and what you have become today, which is all-important.
Don’t hold onto it, but simply remember it. Accept what it taught you, and how it can help you in the future. Hold its lessons and positive memories close and allow that to build you into a better person.
Forget the past and focus on the present.
Stop torturing yourself with the “what ifs?” and “if only” statements. See the beauty in your immediate surroundings and appreciate what life still has to offer.
Practice mindfulness by accepting the current moment without judgment and not living in the past or the future.
Focusing on the present moment can also help you cultivate gratitude for the things in your life that are going well. It can help you see that this relationship was a part of you, but it did not define you. You may have wonderful friends, family, a career, hobbies, pets, or other things that truly make you who you are.
Look forward to what the future may bring.
Everything happens for a reason, and your relationship could have ended because there is a new, happier one waiting for you in the future.
The breakup could be a blessing in disguise. Life is preparing you for the years to come. The possibilities for your future are limitless.
Take this time for yourself and make a plan for what you want your future to look like.
Put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life and be selfish about how you spend your time, and who you spend it with.
This can help you shape a future that holds a lot of new opportunities.
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